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In Kurt Vonnegut's in Cat's Cradle, a GRANFALLOON is defined as a false karass. According to Bokononism, the religion Vonnegut dreams up for the novel, "No karass is without a wampeter...  just as no wheel is without a hub. Anything can be a wampeter: a tree, a rock, an idea, a book, a melody..."


Our wampeter is the imagination — it's the hub around which our GRANFALLOON revolves.


At GRANFALLOON, we celebrate authors and works that explore the imaginary. It goes without saying — the power of imagination is infinite. It flows from the writer into readers, stirring their imaginations in turn. This alchemy allows readers to transcend their own worlds and embrace new, previously unknown perspectives and possibilities.


At GRANFALLOON, we strive to feature works of speculative fiction, poetry, and art — imaginative, experimental stories set in far-flung, alien landscapes, fantasy realms, impossible universes, and parallel dimensions. Along the way, we present visions of the future that are dark or bright, dystopian or utopian, disturbing or optimistic...
We thank you for stopping by and hope you enjoy the journey! If you are an author and would like your work featured in our zine, please click here.

Image by Jonathan Formento

“If you wish to examine a granfalloon, just remove the skin of a toy balloon.” 

― Kurt Vonnegut, Cat's Cradle

Speculative fiction & POETRY ZINE

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Speculative Fiction & Poetry Zine

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